For any of you that read comics in general: you may have heard that as of a few days ago the prominent independent comic artist Ed Piskor (Wizzywig, Hip-Hop Family Tree, X-Men: Grand Design) is dead by way of suicide. He was put on trial by the kangaroo courts of social media for allegations that where yet to be proven, with some of said allegations proven false after this tragic incident occurred. Everyone should be given a fair trial before being exiled or discredited. Linked below will be Ed's final note for I feel he can explain himself from beyond the grave better than anyone else.
My hero of independent comics is dead. I'll never get to meet him, never get to work with him, never see what he will make next. I'm not sure how to process this which is why I've made this post. People should know why this happened, and should know that this was caused by people within the comics community.
I will not speak of this outside of this post, my page will continue on as normal and I understand if this post gets taken down that those who run this site do not do it out of ill will. I just can't believe comics has led to the death of someone whose work means so much to me. without Ed or his Comics history channel Cartoonist Kayfabe I would have stopped drawing a long time ago.
I'm disgusted with people who read and create comics, myself included, but at the same time I love the comics medium and getting to meet creators one on one.
Make an example of people that are responsible for this otherwise it will just keep happening.
There are names in the letter, I know none of them personally but people in the community should put those responsible on blast. A memorial was hosted live today by his good friend Brian Moss. I'm looking to see what happens next.