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    Ed Piskor - R.I.P.

    Posted by Folliesoffoster - April 3rd, 2024

    For any of you that read comics in general: you may have heard that as of a few days ago the prominent independent comic artist Ed Piskor (Wizzywig, Hip-Hop Family Tree, X-Men: Grand Design) is dead by way of suicide. He was put on trial by the kangaroo courts of social media for allegations that where yet to be proven, with some of said allegations proven false after this tragic incident occurred. Everyone should be given a fair trial before being exiled or discredited. Linked below will be Ed's final note for I feel he can explain himself from beyond the grave better than anyone else.

    My hero of independent comics is dead. I'll never get to meet him, never get to work with him, never see what he will make next. I'm not sure how to process this which is why I've made this post. People should know why this happened, and should know that this was caused by people within the comics community.

    I will not speak of this outside of this post, my page will continue on as normal and I understand if this post gets taken down that those who run this site do not do it out of ill will. I just can't believe comics has led to the death of someone whose work means so much to me. without Ed or his Comics history channel Cartoonist Kayfabe I would have stopped drawing a long time ago.

    Here is Ed's note

    I'm disgusted with people who read and create comics, myself included, but at the same time I love the comics medium and getting to meet creators one on one.




    Make an example of people that are responsible for this otherwise it will just keep happening.

    There are names in the letter, I know none of them personally but people in the community should put those responsible on blast. A memorial was hosted live today by his good friend Brian Moss. I'm looking to see what happens next.

    I have no skin in this game, but damn, this is completely terrible what happened to him. RIP.

    Thank you.

    I'm just a greenhorn when it comes to comics but this has given me perspective on what to expect/ who to look out for.

    Ed made the final choice, but there were many people out there who helped him make it. A sea of faceless accounts is something the human mind isn't able to comprehend.

    I'm not big into Comics, but I'm sorry to hear that you lost someone who meant so much to you. I don't really have any idols, so I'm not going to pretend to know what you're going through, but it's not hard to imagine especially after taking a look at the circumstances surrounding this situation. After reading the note (and assuming he's genuine), it deeply saddens me how some people will try to ruin another person's life for little to no reason. All the Drama Hounds on social media need to stop pretending they're being "heroic," especially considering that way of thinking makes it really easy to justify harassing people in situations they're not even involved in. Or maybe they get a sense of comfort knowing they're far away from any accountability. Absolutely Disgusting.

    Again, sorry you lost someone you looked up to and will never get the chance to meet them. Hopefully, a day will come where you find that your Creations live up to his memory in some way.

    You're An Amazing Artist! Never Forget That.

    Thank you Mal, it's always good to hear from you.

    We will never know what the outcome of this would have been now. I don't want to make this post all about me, just want to remind people to not act holier than thou if you've ever done anything like this (Participating in a hate mob before we know the whole story). We may not believe it but our actions online can affect those in the real world, we must be careful in how we act, we must treat each other as people.

    I have to keep drawing, art isn't for quitters or the faint of heart.

    Can't wait to se what you post next man.

    Good god, this is why I stay away from most social media. I didn't know him but reading that letter has my eyes watering and my hands clenched in rage at these gutless assholes, anonymous or otherwise. They tell me karma is a bitch and I sincerely hope that she camps on the doorstep of every one these swine.

    There seems to be a plethora of comic creators that want to seem morally superior to their peers, to what end? I don't know. There actions are inexcusable and downright malicious. I'm so glad that there are avenues where you can publish work by yourself or through crowdfunding because it must be awful to be in the same room as some of these snakes. Anyone who wants to step on the backs of others or change the world before themselves is not a person worth associating with.

    The man had a plethora of knowledge of the craft. Cartoonist Kayfabe is an invaluable resource for those entering the medium he loved. He could point out such minute details that it'd make you wonder if he had a part in creating the books he and Jim reviewed.

    Those that drove him to the cliff's edge with spears at his back are going to act surprised that he jumped. It's funny how he was condemned for the sake of "justice" and was never afforded his. When the news media even harassed and doxxed his family for the sake of a story, it's not hard to see why he'd see this as the only way out. Now the world is poorer one artist, brother and friend.

    His siblings' responses are heartbreaking. I hope to God his family can find a way to recover and that he finds piece.

    People always feel "bad" when they realize that actions do have consequences. If it felt like everything I had built up over my life disappeared in a week I might have done the same, either that or run away into obscurity. Justice is a word we all like to hide behind when we do things that are morally gray or just plainly wrong. I would like for these people to face the same kind of justice that they preach.

    I hope Fantagraphics gives all the money he was owed to his family. Money doesn't replace the man, but they are due what he made.

    We're all going to miss Ed, I'm eternally grateful Kayfabe is still up.

    @Folliesoffoster Agreed on all counts.

    After getting more context on everything, I'm grossed out by how the story was explained by the media and twitter. Twitter and YouTube in particular is full of snakes with people now pretending to care about him dying as if they didn't play a role in it. He shouldn't have spoken to her, it sucks that he killed himself before explaining the situation properly. He probably thought no one would listen. I hope his family heals.

    Hope you don't get hate for writing this.

    Haven't had any hate, more so people expressing similar feelings. Thank you for the concern though, I appreciate it.

    I've never been a fan of how social platforms rewards those that can spin a yarn. Humans are reactionary by nature so we tend to agree with the first thing we see and well, everyone is on Twitter and YT. When everyone feels as if they have to give their opinion on something (I'm doing the same right now, I know) it very quickly leads to an angry mob, and big groups of people have never been known to act rationally. I only wish people could be a bit more critical when it comes to these types of allegations, because they really can affect and even destroy lives. After reading Ed's note and seeing what goes on with comic artists specifically, destroying people might have been the goal though. Besides those that caused it, what disgusts me are those that use his death to get views, promote their work, and to spout "anti-woke" nonsense. Be on whatever side of the pro or against argument you like, the point is is that vile people did this, and now vile people parade his corpse.

    His work will be able to stand on it's own and speak for itself, even after all this is forgotten.

    I still can't believe Ed's gone. Reading his letter was heart-breaking, I hope he has found some peace

    It doesn't feel real yet. If there is anything after this life, let's hope it's kinder than this one.